A Pirate Mystery

A narrative-focused experience on an abandoned pirate ship. The player discovers clues hidden throughout the environment design and interactive game mechanics to answer their questions and uncover the story that took place here. Developed as a solo project using Unreal Engine 5.

This video showcases the game and it's features. A full gameplay video is also available on the YouTube channel.

Detailed Environment

In this project I wanted to reach a higher level of visual quality and fidelity than I had before. This meant that a considerable amount of time, research, and effort went into 3D modelling using Maya, texturing using Substance Painter, and material building in Unreal Engine 5. A Pirate Mystery has a highly detailed interior pirate ship environment, with multiple decks, different rooms, and more to explore.

Interactable Narrative

The module of this project focused on design theories behind storytelling and narrative. A Pirate Mystery took inspiration from games such as Horizon: Zero Dawn and Bioshock, where the environment itself has a story to tell. The player uncovers the events of this past story through clues, items, and notes left behind by the characters involved. Discovering the events of the past also helps to guide the player on what to do next.

Immersive Sound

For this project I had the opportunity to collaborate with an award-winning sound designer, who created the authentic and immersive soundscape and reactive sound effects that are present in the game. This allowed me to tackle new challenges, including integrating spatial sounds into a 3D environment, and even having a go at voice acting.

Thank you for viewing my website, please feel free to get in touch with any questions about me or my work.

This site is still a work in progress, and will continue to be updated with more about my games.
