Fusion Racers

An arcade racing game with online multiplayer races and single player time trial. Features 16 different playable hypercars, each with a unique character, and 9 original tracks across a variety of environments. Developed as a group project in a team of 4 people with project management being a focus. Made using Unreal Engine 4.

This video showcases the time trial mode in Fusion Racers. A full features video is in the works.

Project Management

For this project, I took on the role of Scrum Master, effectively implementing Agile methodology. I recorded and organised regular Scrum meetings, ensuring that the team was on track to achieve development goals. Each team member's unique strengths and skills were considered when assigning tasks. A Retrospective after every sprint allowed the team to review their performance and ensure they were getting the best out of themselves.

Online Multiplayer

I embraced the challenge of using Unreal Engine 4, C++, and Epic Online Services to create the fully functional online systems. This was a journey into the unknown but highly rewarding. Programming client-server game logic was completely new to me, it took time to learn Unreal's intricacies of replication and RPCs, so it is very satisfying to end with a game that seamlessly allows players to create and join sessions and jump into online races.

Version Control

In this project, we used Git and GitHub for version control, collaboration, and hosting the repository. We followed good practice for pushing and pulling changes with a strong emphasis on a clear naming and numbering convention and detailed comments. As Git was new to all of us, I took on the responsibility of setting up and ensuring the correct usage of Git, as well as teaching the team how to use the tools and the best practices for using Git effectively.

Thank you for viewing my website, please feel free to get in touch with any questions about me or my work.

This site is still a work in progress, and will continue to be updated with more about my games.
